Father's Day....well not really my favorite day. Hard for this holiday, loving gal to not enjoy a holiday. Oh, I have made the best of it over the years. Honestly, though, once you lose your dad Father's Day is never quite the same. I am thankful for what I do have....an amazing husband and father to our daughter and also a wonderful step dad who is very special to me. He is a wonderful Grandpa to my daughter and her dearest friend to boot. Together they can get into mischief and make my poor mom nuts. LOL All that wonderful stuff and still not my favorite day of the year. Once you lose a parent I think the heart never stops aching for that person. Sure, the ache eases over time. Still it never goes away and some days the ache isn't as eased as we are fooled into thinking it is. I always worried once I lost my dad that I would forget him. Oh, how I feared that. Little did I know every year brings to the surface new memories of him. Ones I had not thought of in a long time. So I have learned that I will never forget. As painful as that sometimes is I am so thankful that I won't forget.
On this Father's Day I woke up fixated on recreating a dish that we loved to eat together. If you are from back East you may be familiar with chowder made at the fire halls. My Uncle was the master of making this! Oh how I would love a dish of it! But I have no recipe. So, I did what every other gal would do.....I Googled it. AND I found what I hope to taste like what I remember. Check out this AWESOME post from another blogger, Another Stir Of the Spoon, by heading here. Just reading his memories made my day (not to mention I loved seeing the photos that were part of this post). Not to mention that he posted the chowder recipe! LOL I am not the best in the kitchen with this type of dish. Baking is more my thing. But.....I definitely plan on trying out this recipe and carrying on the chowder making tradition, Western New York style, of course!!!
I hope that you have a magical day! We will be out celebrating what an awesome dad my hubby is and remembering mine and my father-in-law. Both of whom I miss very much!!
I'm sorry Father's Day is so difficult for you, Brenda. Mother's Day does that for me so I understand and am right there with you with a hug. Blessings