Saturday, July 12, 2014

It's Saturday!

Woo-Hoo it is Saturday!  I hope today finds you all doing something that you love to do.  I started my day off with a great morning walk.  Have to say....I am not the morning gal and I am DEFINITELY not the morning exercise gal.  BUT when I woke up, and took in what kind of morning it was outside, out the door I went for my walk.  You see it rained here last night and there is NOTHING like the smell of the desert after or right before it rains.  Not sure what it is but it is a wonderful smell and that wonderful smell pulled me right out the door to walk.  If the smell of the desert after it rains  could be bottled up into air freshener I would buy a case of it.  So that was the start of my day and a good one at that!  Have a magical day!!


  1. Funny! You look like you are an active physical kind of person! Jealous of you energy; I haven't had any for months. My husband used to drag me to the gym 3xs a week early (7:00) or earlier in the mornings. When Mom got sick we quit, and I haven't been able to get back with the program. I am glad you had a beautiful morning. hugs.

  2. I love the smell of rain... particularly as the storm is moving in. Creative Blessings!


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