Monday, October 28, 2013

Merry Monday Disney and Crafty Friends!  It is time for more Halloween fun photos Disney style!

Halloween is all about the "treats" in trick or treating for me!  Disney has some awesome treats!  Don't they look delicious?  What is your favorite Halloween candy?  I for one am excited to see a Tootsie Roll or an Almond Joy come home in my daughters trick or treat bag.  I love both and never buy them.  Way too tempting to have in the house but I have no problem indulging on Halloween!  Thanks so much for hopping on by!  I hope you are enjoying your day and doing something that you love!

1 comment:

  1. These look delicious! We don't even hand them out because we never get any Trick or treaters in our neighborhood. I can remember when our kids were at home we would have 70 or more, but we were in a different neighborhood too. Now lots of the churches have Trunk or Treat, I guess it is safer. Okay, my favorite candy is payday, snickers and PB cups. :)


Thanks so much for stopping by!